Thursday, October 6, 2011

Yeah, Animals Talk in my Book

                Animal Farm is often used as the epitome of a utopia story. It is a unique story and one that I find reluctant to compare my own story to. However, due to the likeness of the use of animals there are some similarities. Both stories refer to real life events in an indirect way, and make use of the different personalities of animals to serve as the different types of people.
                In my story, A Rooster’s call to War, a metaphor is made to the struggle that Vietnam veterans had coming back home. They often found themselves on the outside of society, and were looked down upon. The sheep, which represent the people, often use tricky maneuvers to get power over the veterans. The sheep are very similar to the pigs in Animal Farm, who use their superior intellect to gain an advantage over the other animals.  The sheep are going to work to convince the rooster, as well as the other animals, that they are better than the rooster because he went off to fight for a cause.
                In my story I am going to have the two sides. One side will blindly follow the sheep because they do not understand the rooster’s reason for fighting. While the other side is not so sure the sheep are right. There will be power struggles and what not similar to the power struggle of Snowball and Napoleon.
                While, Animal Farm, is a utopia, my story will not be. My story is not about trying to make a perfect society, but rather how society was flawed at one point. It is more about how people did what society told them to do, and then were treated as villains by that same society. References to the government will most likely be included, as well as major political figures, similar to the way Napoleon resembles Stalin.
                To be quite honest it is very hard to compare such a complex book with such a generic story outline. No words have been put down on paper for my own story and nothing is set in stone. I will continue to change things as I get more involved in my story, so ask me again when my story is finished and I am sure I can give you some great comparisons.

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